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Immense Nutrient Power

We knew nuts, seeds & dried fruit are packed full of immense nutrient power crammed into just a tiny handful, but did you?…

The nation’s health is at crisis point.

Poor diets are leading to a growth in chronic diseases including heart problems, Type 2 diabetes and even dementia. You might not believe it, but the food we eat is the biggest contributor to this growing national health crisis.

But there is another way to fix it…


Sprinkle the Magic

Getting more nutrition in your day is so simple, it feels like magic. Sprinkle, stir, chop or nibble your way to a happier mind, body and spirit!

Sunny Kids

Nutritional Magic comes from Science

The benefits of dried fruit, nuts and seeds on your mind and body go far beyond fibre and protein. There’s a whole alphabet of nutritious vitamins and minerals inside that help spell out everything from all-day energy to better heart health.

There’s more than one vitamin or mineral in most of our products, so we’ve simplified it to 7 core health benefits. Find all seven across our range of dried fruit, nuts and seeds.

*All health benefits are aligned to EFSA approved claims

Be a Nutrition Magician